
Ulustrans zorlu proje nakliyelerini üstleniyor
Ulustrans, Ulusproje olarak markalaştırdığı hizmetleriyle, enerji sektörü için rüzgar türbinleri, dizel / doğal gaz motoru, fabrika taşımaları, jeneratörler ve baraj inşaat ekipmanları gibi birçok proje kargo yükü operasyonunu gerçekleştirdi.

ulustrans_projeŞirketin hizmet verdiği en büyük proje ise bir doğalgaz çevrim santralı. Ulustrans Lojistik Proje ve Ağır Nakliye Departmanı Müdürü Ömer Ömeroğlu bu proje hakkında şu bilgileri aktarıyor: "Proje kapsamında; Macaristan, Kanada, Türkiye, Amerika, Hindistan, Çin, İspanya, Güney Kore, Hollanda'dan toplanan 8.000 ton / 40.000 metreküp yükü İsrail'e taşıdık. Ağır yük gemileri, iç suyolu gemileri, lowbedler, hava kargo kullanılarak taşınan yükler varış noktasına ulaştırıldı. Her biri 105 ton olan iki makineyi tek parça olarak İtalya'dan Türkiye'ye taşıdık."
Şirketin en zorlu operasyonlarından biri, 2014 Kasım ve 2015 Temmuz tarihleri arasında gerçekleştirdiği bir fabrika taşımasıydı. Bu taşıma hakkında da bilgi aktaran Ömeroğlu, şu bilgileri veriyor: "2014 yılının Ağustos ayında başlayan planlamanın ertesinde; yaklaşık 120 sefer yapılarak operasyon Kasım ayında tamamlanmıştır. Bu dönemde biz de operasyonun çıkış ülkesi Avusturya'yı ve operasyonun Türkiye'deki varış noktasını defalarca ziyaret ettik. Hacim, bütçe, adet ve gelir konularını ayırt etmeksizin projenin her bir hareketini denetledik."
Ulustrans handles challenging project transportations
For the energy sector, Ulustrans has transported many project cargoes such as wind turbines, diesel/ natural gas engine, factory movements, generators and dam construction equipments etc… The biggest project the company was rewarded was the transportation of a natural gas converting power plant. Ömer Ömeroğlu, Ulustrans Logistics Project & Heavy Haulage Department Manager, says, "During this project we moved 8,000 tonnes / 40,000 cbm of cargo from Hungary, Canada, Turkey, the USA, India, China, Spain, South Korea, Holland to Israel. The goods were moved with heavy lift vessels, river vessels, lowbeds, air freight and collected at the final destination.  As one piece, we moved 2 machines as 105 tonnes each from Italy to Turkey." 
One of the most challenging operation of the company was a factory move that Ulustrans had succesfully handled between 2014 November and 2015 July. Ömer Ömeroğlu explains the operation as; "The planning started in August 2014 and this project was completed in November with almost 120 movements. During this period, we visited the origin country Austria and the arrival point in Turkey many times. Without discrimating the volume, budget, pieces and the income, we supervised every single movement." 
ulustrans_ruzgarUlustrans has branded its project logistics services as 'Ulusproje'. How did this effect the company's growth in this field? Would you please tell us the investments and infrastructure of Ulustrans in project, heavt lift and energy logistics services?
If we hadn't named Ulustrans Project Department as Ulusproject, we most probably would have achieved the same success. But by naming the department as Ulusproject, we believe that we have shown how much importance we give to project and abnormal cargo transportation. As the number of the projects we serve for and the brand recognition increased, we became very happy to see that we were right on this assumption. With our sister companies, we give combined service for logistics and abnormal cargo. We also give support for customs clearance as well with our customs department. Not only we provide storage service with our bonded and nonbonded warehouses, but we also supply maintenance for our fleet of vehicles. Our fleet consists of lowbeds, both normal and extentable, lowloaders, tilt and box trailers. 
What share does the project and heavy transportation have in Ulustrans' total business volume? Which sectors does Ulustrans focus on?
Our turnover for project department represents a figure of 15% within the total turnover of the company. Although we go after for long term businesses, we still give 100 % attention and care for smaller projects we receive from both existing as well as potential customers. For the energy sector, we have handled the commodities such as wind turbines, diesel/ natural gas engine, factory movements, generators and dam construction equipments etc... Other than these, we welcome all the inquiries for any kind of cargo that doesn’t fit into any mode of normal transport.
Would you please tell us about the company's special services and turnkey solutions for energy market?
We handled numerous number of wind turbines and engines in 2015. The most challenging was a factory move we succesfully handled between 2014 November and 2015 July. The planning started in August 2014 and this project was completed in November with almost 120 movements. During this period, we visited the origin country Austria and the arrival point in Turkey many times. Without discrimating the volume, budget, pieces and the income, we supervised every single movement. 
To which countries has Ulustrans extended its services? 
Although most of the project movements we handle are between Europe and Turkey and/or CIS Asian countries, we also concentrate on the Far East market as well. But nevertheless, we would have no hesitation to start new areas as well.
In which projects was Ulustrans involved in 2015?Are there any ongoing projects that the company serves for?
Despite the negative effect on the markets because of the general elections as well as the strong flactuations on the foreign currency against the Turkish Lira, we still managed to gain new business for water dams, highway and factory constructions. At the moment we are involved in a dam construction and a whole factory moving. 
Which was the biggest and/or heaviest cargo that Ulustrans has transported?
The biggest project we were rewarded was the transportation of a natural gas converting power plant. During this project we moved 8,000 tonnes / 40,000 cbm of cargo from Hungary, Canada, Turkey, the USA, India, China, Spain, South Korea, Holland to Israel. The goods were moved with heavy lift vessels, river vessels, lowbeds, air freight and collected at the final destination.  As one piece, we moved 2 machines as 105 tonnes each from Italy to Turkey. 
What are the mid and long-term growth targets of the company?
We are planning to increase the number of vehicles in our fleet and the range and by doing this, we aim to get more loads which should lead to more customers. By attending to the exhibitions both national and international, we are trying to spread the brand awareness. 
Göztepe Mah. İstoç 2.Cadde Burak Plaza No: 1/61 
Bağcılar - Istanbul / TURKEY 
Tel: +90 212 411 45 45 
Fax: +90 212 411 45 46



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