Expert in the transport of hazardous substances, İTT Logistics starts 2017 assertively
26/05/2017 - 11:18:00
İTT Logistics, one of the leading companies of the sector in the transport of liquid chemicals and hazardous substances, aims to attain 20 to 25% growth in 2017 thanks to its fleet that it reinforced with new vehicles, the number of the branches that it will increase, the new storage and handling services, and other integrated logistics solutions. Muhammet Çil, İTT Logistics General Coordinator, explains that they will enter into new collaboration processes in the field of tank operation in 2018.
İTT Logistics General Coordinator Muhammet Çil explains the process as follows: “We have made significant investments in the field of technology and we revised our quality processes. We created a select and professional staff and continued our way with it. Our biggest supporter in it was our customers and suppliers. We are attentive to ensure that the collaborations we have established last long and we have so far managed it successfully.”
He states that the most important field they have focused on in logistics services is integrated logistics and they are able to present numerous services with added value, like import, export, domestic transport, storage, warehouse, handling, heating, and packaging, collectively to their customers; and he says by underlining that all their know-how operations are performed accordingly. Çil adds that they are able to provide all their door-to-door processes in a reliable, fast, and economical manner to their customers.
Underlining that they have established a system in all the transport modes in the transport of chemicals and hazardous substances, Çil says, “We have a significant technological infrastructure in this regard. We have powerful connections. Therefore, we do not get out of this service a lot. Despite the incoming demands, I always believe that a specialized job is to be done and improved. Venturing into different areas would eliminate the chance of full control on processes. Hence, we will continue to provide the same services in the same sector with quality.”
He states that they have a powerful abroad agency network and says the following: “We have long-term and deep-seated partnerships and we are enlarging such connections day by day. We will have investments in this regard and we are in new formations along with our current partnerships. We will of course provide more detailed information soon as well. We will have a different initiative concerning the issue in 2018. We will have new formations in different countries in addition to Turkey and our works on them are ongoing; our target is to conclude them in 2018.”
In providing information about their investment plans for this year, Muhammet Çil says, “We will have investments in branches in different regions domestically. Presently, there are 50 tow trucks and 90 trailers in our fleet. We will make investments in 10-12 pieces of tow trucks and same number of trailers this year. We will purchase tank containers. We have entered into the necessary agreements in this regard and we are planning to purchase 20 tank containers this year. For the storage needs of our partners we have discussed with about storage, we will develop different solutions.” Underlining that they grew by 30% in such a difficult year of 2016, Çil says they predict 20 to 25% growth for 2017 and they have established their strategy accordingly.
Muhammet Çil states that they always make investments in the field of tank containers and that they will make a container investment in 15-20 tanks within this year. Çil says, “We presently have food and chemicals tanks in many different standards, ranging from 18,000 m3 to 35,000 m3, in our fleet. We are planning to increase this number to 70- 80 containers this year.” He states that the choice of equipment is very important in their business and that the competition becomes harsher and harsher each passing day and, therefore, they are using the products that will ensure they create difference in the services they provide to their customers. Specifying that they have 90 container carriers in their fleets, Çil says, “Quality and safety are our primary preference. “We have had partnerships with the leading firms of the sector in this field for a long time. For example, Tırsan SHF T Tank Container Chassis vehicle that Tırsan has recently designed upon the feedback it received from us became beyond our expectations. It is very effective and successful vehicle in terms of use. Our driver friends are as much content with that vehicle as we are because they are able to get on the vehicle and make the connections very conveniently. In terms of the design, everything has been contemplated in place. Tırsan has made a vehicle that will indeed create a difference on the market. Naturally, with all these are in mind, our first preference is Tırsan. Tırsan is a long-term partner for us and we are planning to continue our journey together.”
Çil explains their experiences regarding Tırsan SHF. T Tank Container Chassis, which was developed and has been tested for 1,5 years by Tırsan as follows: “We have compared it with a few different product groups. We conducted demo tests and measured the handling and the impact of the vehicle on fuel. Very significant differences compared with the products of other brands have come to the foreground. We saw that the fuel consumption was reduced by two percent. As a vehicle lightens, its handling weakens but we saw that handling of Tırsan’s new vehicle was very good. Our drivers are very happy with the vehicle. They even request us to constitute the entire fleet from that vehicle. We are also thinking that way.”
“Tırsan has brought a vehicle, which will be the talk of the town for many years, into life thanks to its high R&D power and by combining the data it had collected onsite,” says Muhammet Çil and adds, “We brought together the feedbacks of our driver friends in view of the difficulties we encountered in the field and introduced the right products that would be needed by the market to Tırsan. Tırsan produced the vehicle after a successful study. I would like to thank Tırsan additionally for receiving our views and provide us with such an equipped vehicle.”
Faaliyetlerine 2001 yılında başlayan İTT Logistics, bu köklü tecrübe ve birikimini 2014’te gerçekleştirdiği yeniden yapılanmayla hızlı bir büyüme ivmesine dönüştürdü. 2014 yılında kurumlaşma ve kalite yönetim sistemleri ile ilgili yeniden yapılanan şirket, teknolojik donanım alanında yaptığı hatırı sayılır yatırımlarla da sektörde lider firmalardan biri haline geldi. Lojistik hizmetlerde yoğunlaştıkları en önemli alanın, entegre lojistik hizmetleri olduğunu belirten İTT Logistics Genel Koordinatörü Muhammet Çil; ithalat, ihracat, yurtiçi taşıma, depolama, antrepo, elleçleme, ısıtma, ambalajlama gibi birçok katma değerli hizmeti müşterilerine toplu olarak sunabildiklerini vurguluyor ve bütün know-how’larının bu yönde olduğunun altını çizerek söylüyor. Çil, kapıdan kapıya tüm süreçlerini güvenilir, hızlı ve ekonomik bir şekilde müşterilerine sunabildiklerini kaydediyor. Kimyasal ve tehlikeli madde taşımacılığı için tüm taşıma modlarında bir sistem kurduklarını vurgulayan Çil, “Bununla ilgili de ciddi bir teknolojik altyapıya sahibiz. Güçlü bağlantılarımız var. Dolayısıyla bu hizmet dışına çok çıkmıyoruz. Talepler gelse de ben her zaman uzmanı olunan işin yapılması ve geliştirilmesine inanan biriyim. Farklı alanlara girdiğiniz zaman süreçler üzerinde tam kontrol sağlama şansınız kalmıyor. Dolayısıyla aynı sektörde aynı hizmetleri kaliteli şekilde vermeye devam edeceğiz” diyor. Güçlü bir yurtdışı acente ağlarının olduğunun bilgisini de veren Çil, bu alanda yeni işbirliği süreçlerine gireceklerini açıklıyor. Bu yılki yatırım planları hakkında da bilgi veren Çil, “Yurtiçinde farklı bölgelerde şube yatırımlarımız olacak. Şu anda filomuzda 50 çekici ve 90 treyler var. Bu yıl içerisinde 10-12 adet çekici ve yine aynı sayıda treyler yatırımı yapacağız. Tank container alımımız olacak. Bu konuda gerekli anlaşmaları yaptık ve bu yıl içinde 20 adet tank container alımı yapmayı düşünüyoruz. Depolama ile ilgili görüştüğümüz partnerlerimizin depolama ihtiyaçları için farklı çözümler geliştireceğiz” diyor. 2016 gibi zor bir yılda %30 büyüdüklerine dikkat çeken Çil, 2017’de %20-25’lik bir büyüme öngördüklerini ve stratejilerini buna göre oluşturduklarını aktarıyor.
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