
Ekol’den Belçika-Türkiye hattında 180 tonluk taşıma
Entegre lojistik hizmet sağlayıcısı Ekol, proje taşımacılığı alanında da uzun yıllardır farklı sektörlere hizmet sunuyor. 

mehmet_ozal_ekolYakaladıkları uzmanlık ve artan müşteri talepleri ile birlikte iki yıl önce “Proje Taşımacılığı”nı ayrı bir departman çatısı altında konumlandırdıklarını belirten Ekol Lojistik Forwarding Genel Müdürü Mehmet Özal, bu alanda gabari dışı hava, deniz ve karayolu taşımaları gerçekleştirdiklerini söylüyor. Proje ve ağır yük taşımacılığı alanında başlıca altyapı yatırım, taahhüt ve enerji sektöründe bulunan firmalara hizmet sundukları aktaran Özal, “Ekol olarak, çok farklı enerji yatırımları olduğu kadar sanayi yatırımlarına da çözümler sunmaktayız. Yüklemenin sahada gözetiminden başlayarak, nihai noktada montajına kadar müşterimizin çözüm ortağı oluyoruz. Bugün ülkemizin farklı noktalarındaki sanayi ve enerji yatırımlarına odaklanmaya devam ederken, yat taşımacılığı ve bunun gibi farklı kulvarlarda da yol almaya başladık” dedi. Proje ve ağır yük taşımacılığı alanında 2015 yılında önemli projelere imza attıklarını vurgulayan Özal, bunlardan birinin ise, Belçika’dan Türkiye’ye yaptıkları 180 tonluk taşıma olduğunu söyledi. Özel, “Belçika kapıdan Türkiye liman teslim olarak yapılan bu intermodal taşıma projesinde; karayolu+nehir, barge+açık yük gemi kombinasyonu ile yaptığımız yükleme, tek parça olarak 180 ton ve 19 metre uzunluğundaydı” dedi. 
180-ton shipment from Ekol on the Belgium-Turkey line 
Mehmet Özal, Ekol Logistics Forwarding General Manager, stated that they lead their project transportation services in different areas such as yacht transportation in addition to infrastructure investment, commitment, industry, and energy fields' logistics services. When it comes to project transportation, Mehmet Özal says that one of the most significant projects Ekol Logistics had implemented in 2015 is the shipment with 180 tons weight and 19 meters length carried out on the Belgium-Turkey line. 
Ekol Logistics, an integrated logistics service provider, has been providing services in the field of project transportation in different sectors for many years. Stating that two years ago they have positioned “Project Transportation” services under the roof of a separate department, thanks to the expertise and increasing customer demands they have achieved, Mehmet Özal, Ekol Logistics Forwarding General Manager, says they have been realizing out-of-gauge, air, sea, and land transports in this field. 
Underlining that they provide project and heavy cargo transportation services mainly to the firms in the infrastructure investments, commitment, and energy sectors, Özal added, “As Ekol, we are providing logistics solutions in the industrial investments as much as in various energy investments. We are becoming the solution partner of our customers at every point starting from the onsite supervision of the freight to its mounting at the final destination. Presently, we started to continue on different tracks like yacht transportation while keeping the focus on the industrial and energy investments in different spots of our country.” 
ekol_lojistikEkol has undersigned significant projects in the field of project and heavy cargo transport in 2015, as Mehmet Özal noted, and he added that one of them was the 180-ton shipment from Belgium to Turkey. Hel said, “In this intermodal project transport conducted from Belgium to Turkey as from door to port, the freight we conducted via the land +river, barge+ breakbulk cargo shipment combination was a mono-block load with 180 tons of weight and 19 meters of length.” 
Özal underlined that for Ekol Logistics, the countries in the region and Africa, along with the destinations and departure points in Western and Eastern Europe, have always been the markets with high potential and importance. He added the following: 
“We, as Ekol Logistics, will continue our operations in project transportation field, through our experiences of many years and in the most reliable manner in the 12 countries where we are present now and in the new countries we think of accessing in the future.” 
Pointing out that the road and port infrastructure services in Turkey do not develop proportional to the growth in the business volume, Özal said, “We will have significant opportunities if the deficiencies regarding infrastructure in the countries in Turkey's nearby geography can be evaluated and eliminated in an accurate and planned manner in the forthcoming 10 years.” 


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