One-Stop Shop Project Services
26/05/2017 - 10:44:00
GO-LOGISTICS® offers a full package of project services in order to handle large project business…
Business Development and Projects Coordinator R. Ekrem Tirindaz says, "Following these initiatives and structuring; our company laid the foundations of a concept of building an infrastructure intended for the subsequent targets while preserving their strength of being accurate, fast, efficient, communicative and based on partnership. Reaching today’s infrastructure, expertise and worldwide partnerships took a long time to provide the foundations of the ability of offering a service of great importance."
As known project services include not only the services mentioned above, but much more. A company offering project services to their customers has to act as a real “business partner” with its customers and subcontractors to whom some of the service duties may be delegated. "Pursuing the mission of self-renewal on a continuous basis; our company has turned into a 'Logistics' corporation in the last stage as a result of their efforts, activities, services rendered, knowledge and experience," says Ekrem Tirindaz and adds:
"We know very well that being a logistics firm is not as simple as adding the word ‘logistics’ to the title of the company. Being a logistics firm means to be able to render all sorts of services necessary in this scope. That’s why we have not added the word ‘logistics’ to the title of our company. Instead we have developed a new brand by merging “GO”, which was registered in 1996 after being used since 1982
GO-LOGISTICS® has become a first-class brand gaining, the best reputation thanks to the appreciation and confidence of our customers.
GO-LOGISTICS® has developed itself together with the affiliates, business partners, and subcontractors into an entire service group for logistic services. Today as we have symbolized with our registered brand, we offer our services from our headquarter in Ankara all over the world by analysing and solving local problems and legal issues in operations under the coordination of Ankara Headquarters, directly through the headquarters or by our affiliated offices within the Turkish Customs Zone and in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. In other countries our services will be handled by our long-term agencies bound by specific contracts."
Telling about the main goal of the company, Tirindaz underlines that the company's main goal is to offer the services of supply chain management, inventory management, handling, distribution, planning, and information flow and other services which are collectively called 'logistic services'. He says, "The range of our services offered are only up to our customer’s demand. Without delay at the right time, in the right place, with correct solutions and continuity as known from our company’s history. In line with our main goal defined above we founded a new company, Reineisen Logistik GmbHTM, in Hamburg – Germany in 2008 in order to offer our services more effectively and directly and to enhance our international operations. At this stage, we took substantial steps and made strong investments for the best development available in order to meet our customers' demands at the highest level."
Büyük proje lojistiği organizasyonlarını üstlenebilmek için tam donanımlı proje hizmetleri paketi sunduklarını belirten GO-LOGISTICS® İş Geliştirme ve Projeler Koordinatörü R. Ekrem Tirindaz, şirketin 1982 yılında, A. Cenap Özdemir'in 1976 yılına uzanan sektörel bilgi birikimine dayanarak kurulduğunu ve bugünlere ulaştığını belirtiyor. Şirketin sunduğu hizmet yelpazesinin, müşterinin talebine göre şekillendiğini dile getiren R. Ekrem Tirindaz, "Tam zamanında, doğru yerde ve doğru çözümlerle hizmet sunmak firma tarihimizde bir gelenektir" diyor. Bu hedefler doğrultusunda 2008 yılında Hamburg'da Reineisen Logistik GmbHTM adında bir şirket kurduklarını dile getiren Tirindaz, bu yatırımın özellikle uluslararası operasyonlarda şirketi daha da güçlü kıldığını belirtiyor.
Mahatma Gandi Cad., No: 9/6 G.O.P. 06670 Ankara / TURKEY
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